Is there anything similar to onConnectDone in App42 Cloud API ???

0 votes

I call :

"sp = new ServiceAPI( cons.apiKey, cons.secretKey )"

But I don't know how to manage a callback to catch when the user is not connected to internet.

I have seen in other entries people mention "onConnectDone callback" but for AppWarp.

Thank you.

PD - sorry about my english.
asked Jul 27, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by miguelangeltorresfp (16 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


Every platform has its own native method to check the connection that can be used before making a call.

You can look at the answer to this question to find how you can check the connection.

Let me know if answer your question.


answered Jul 28, 2014 by hs00105 (517 points)
selected Jul 28, 2014 by miguelangeltorresfp
Thank you for you answer.

ok, I understand that App42 Cloud API can't check for Internet connectivity, isn't it correct ???
I found this solution :

I think it does exactly what I need.

Thank you anyway.
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