How to make a real-time multiplayer mobile game with Corona SDK/Lua?

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I am new to AppWarp and I am interested in real-time multiplayer games. I was looking at the Color Move Tutorial which seems like exactly what I need for my game.

Background: The game I want to make is a 2d real-time multiplayer mobile racing game (4 players racing) and there will be objects coming in and out of the scene at random that the racers have to dodge. (Think of Fun Run)

My goal is to learn how to setup a matchmaking room and how to update each player's location on the other 3 players' devices (iOS/Android) while syncing the obstacles that are coming in at random times moving from right to left (see screenshot). I feel like the Color Move tutorial is a good place to start, the code walk-through seems pretty straightforward (how to update the player's coordinates).

My question is, what other things would I also need to consider for my real-time multiplayer game?
Are there any links to documentation that I would need to learn/review that would be helpful.
Would I need to do any cloud/server side scripting?
Handle authentication/security?
Write any custom game server?

I would like to use matchmaking and real-time and the players will be able to customize their character and have an inventory of player items.

I did do some research but just need some clarification with all this.
Thanks in advance! Sorry for the newbie question. Cheers!


asked Sep 19, 2017 in Corona by Elias Fares (10 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Elias,

AppWarp is a product made to achieve real-time communication between connected players. AppWarp also provides some readymade server-side features such as Room/Lobby management, Matchmaking, Turn management etc. It does not store any information of the players o the server side.

From your requirement, I believe you need to store the player information on the server side. You can use our BaaS product App42 Cloud API which provides 800+ API to manage with backend related features such as User Management, Storage Service, Push Notification, Leaderboard, Avatar Management, Achievement, Gifting and much more. Check out its Dev Center for more details.

Regarding server-side customisation, it completely depends on your game requirement and how you want to achieve it. If any of your game features require server-side coding, let us know we can provide the right approach to do it.

Let me know if you have any further queries, I will be happy to help.


answered Sep 21, 2017 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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