Unity: How do I create a User from a Facebook Login

+1 vote

I wanted to know what the best way to create a User from a Facebook Login is.

I have Facebook SDK integrated, and currently I am using socialService.LinkUserFacebookAccount(FB.UserIdFB.AccessTokennew SocialResponse());

This creates a user in the Social Service section of the AppHQ.

I want to use the Facebook login to create an actual User, so what is the best way to do this?

Can I then Link the Social Service User to a User?



asked Jul 3, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by markfennell (15 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi Markfennell ,
To create facebook user on App42 platform you can use LinkUserFacebookAccount, as you are already using.
LinkUserFacebookAccount will just save the access token from Facebook in App42 Database.
But if you want to create App42 User by using our userService you can simply get the user information  from facebook SDK like his user name , email id and than create a new user by using userService.CreateUser method.
In which you can generate a random password for that and email this password to your user by using our Email services .
Did I answered your question or did you mean something else?
answered Jul 4, 2014 by sshukla480 (407 points)
Can you please tell me How to do the above using JSsdk? I want to link facebook account when they login and save their score and display top 5 in my page, please tell me how to do it, I tried searching from your docs and applying it but it is not working for me.
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