How to set expire to Push notification?

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Hello Community,

                 i am working on Turn based game in which i am sending push notifications to users to enter into game.I am facing following  issue here.

1. I want to expite the notification if the user didnot accepted with in 2 min.For this i saw Push notification class.Can use please expain me how to use this with Push Notification service?

2.I am getting multiple notifications at recevier side.Please guide me  how to  over come this issue and also please  explain me why its happening.I came to know that APP42 is not saving canonical ids of GCM service.Is it the problem?


asked Jul 15, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by rkrishna (22 points)
edited Jul 15, 2014 by rkrishna

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Krishna,

Passing expiry value is not directly supported currently. We are working on this feature and would hit the production by end of this month.

For multiple push notification issue, we accept the gcm registeration Id in mehtod call, however you are free to pass any valid value. You can try with canonical value and see if this works out. We are also replicating this issue and update you about the same.


answered Jul 15, 2014 by ajay123 (899 points)
Hey Krishna, There is no relation between multiple Push Notification on device and Canonical Ids , So we are replicating it and update you soon.

For expiry of Push Notification, you can send a Send Time along with Push Message and handle it accordingly while receiving Push Message on receiver side and you can define your expiry time may be 2 or 5 min what you want , in your turn based game.

In case of further query is concern , please revert to us.

Set expiry in Push Notification
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