1 million api call free its applicable for one application for on month or anything else

+1 vote
tell me about how the api calls count and if limit reached for indie developer . can i stored imp data to ur server
asked Mar 12, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by manoj (15 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
1. One message sent to the server and back is one API Call

2. For Indie developers, it is 1 million API Calls/month free for each App

If the limit exceeds, then the developer needs to come to a paid plan

3. To store App data to our server, you can use App42 NoSQL Storage, or you can upload files using App42 File Upload Service (1GB Storage limit under free plan)
answered Mar 12, 2014 by chavi.gupta (40 points)
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