Flash air outputs 'onInitUdpTimer Expired' at onInitUDPDone

0 votes

I asked this same question several weeks ago.

Then, somebody answered me that 'your network doesn't support UDP'.

But still I can't sovle my question perfectly.

Plz watch this flash trace

AppWarpTrace 22:57:15 GMT+0900:[HTTP]Recieved : {"address":"**.***.***.**"}
AppWarpTrace 22:57:15 GMT+0900:[Socket]Connected
AppWarpTrace 22:57:15 GMT+0900:initUDP 53007 from IP
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
receive 97.4
send udp
receive 100.4
send udp
receive 103.4
send udp
receive 106.4
send udp
receive 106.4
send udp
receive 106.4
send udp
receive 109.4
AppWarpTrace 22:57:18 GMT+0900:onInitUdpTimer Expired
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
send udp
(Above numbers are my character's x coordinate)
Because I can't run two air program on one computer, I runed one program.
Problem is 'why can I receive before onInitUdpTimer Expired msg?'
If my network is not supporting UDP,  I will not be able to receive any msg I think.
What should I do for using UDP? TCP speed is so slow...
plz help me.
asked Dec 28, 2014 in AppWarp by 0307kwon (16 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you search about UDP you will learn that UDP is an unreliable protocol. Somehow on your network the unreliability factor is happening too much.

As you can observe it yourself that "receive" messages are very less than "sent" messages. This shows most of the messages are not being even delivered. You should also try out running your application on other networks.

answered Dec 28, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
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