AppWarp interfering with FaceBook SDK for unity please help

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I've migrated to this service due to the good reputation about the support services, after reading a little bit and watching some vid here i'm .

Well my problem is i'm trying to Connect to AppWarp service with 

WarpClient.initialize(warpkey, warpsecret,""); 

But no success i got the folowing error and i have no clue what's causing the problem, please help  !

I have to mention that i have the FB SDK initialized and fire an event that everything is done with the FB Service, then i call Connect which is the following 

public void Connect()
        Connected = true;
and the error that i keep getting is the following :

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
App42.Connect () (at Assets/ArchitectureGame/Networking/App42.cs:79)
LoadingScreen.onFBConnectedHandler (Boolean isConnected) (at Assets/ArchitectureGame/Logic_Game/LoadingScreen.cs:62)
FBK.APICallback (.FBResult result) (at Assets/ArchitectureGame/Networking/FBK.cs:131)
Facebook.AsyncRequestString+<Start>c__Iterator0.MoveNext ()

Screenshot of the current error :



asked Jan 29, 2015 in AppWarp by Nouri Mouldi (15 points)
edited Jan 29, 2015 by Nouri Mouldi

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Mooldi,

Thanks for giving our services a try. We will also try our best to give you as much support as we can.

Firstly you should not specify IP address directly. Instead use setGeo API to set the server location.

After calling Connect() method you are directly assuming that you have connected which is not true. AppWarp's all APIs are asynchronous. So when you call connect method, you will get the result in onConnectDone callback of ConnectionRequest Listener.

You need to define listeners that will contain callbacks for each method. Please read our getting started guide here and our sample walkthrough here

answered Jan 29, 2015 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
We will debug it as soon as possible. AppWarp Service and Unity SDK is working fine from our side. The issue might be because of inappropriate usage. Therefore we will need to see your code.
Hi! Is your problem solved?

not really, i'm removing some of the dependencies to get the project ready and send it to you .

I sent the project to i hope you guys can find the problem
Thanks Mouldi for sending us the project. I am looking into it
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