Push Notification Not Working When app is fully close

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I try using the Push Notification with Unity Project, i success get a notification when i running my game, but after i fully close my game, i cant get any notication.

Anyidea how to get notification even my app dint open, i need to change anything in AndroidManifest in order to get my result?
asked May 22, 2015 in App42PaaS & BPaaS by jianloong92 (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Are you working with tutorial or integrated it in your unity game.Can you please share some application logs that help us to track the exact problem you are facing.

We have recently updated our sample with new Google API.Hope you are using updated plugin.

Let me know if it helps.


Vishnu Garg
answered May 22, 2015 by Vishnu Garg (674 points)
Google Project number is differet its available in overView section and server key is different. Google Project Number also called SenderId.
Server key should be on push->android->push android section of AppHQ.
As i understand, I have to paste "Project ID"[google dev console] to "public const string GoogleProjectNo=""; " in sample. and server API key to app42 push settings fro android. I did this but yet i couldn't get notifications.
So what kind of error you are getting still.Now you are able to register the device on AppHQ.Project Number looks like 1043599038915
Thanks for your support.
Let me know if you are able to solve it out else you can share the severKey and project No with us as well.
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