How i get the list of online users at client side api corona?

0 votes

I am developing one multiplayer game that having invite player game.

any player can invite player but first i have to fetch all the list on online player with following data.

1. male/female

2. distance (lat/long)

3. score level

4. reward status


So i am using getOnlineUsers ()  function but it shows only the name not all categories.

Please help me what function get all the details of the user.
asked Mar 27, 2014 in Discuss & suggest API by imtiyaz (45 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When ever a player joins a game, save his distance, score level, gender, reward status, etc using App42 Storage service.


Then, when you call getOnlineUsers(), it will return the usernames that you can use to retreive the infromation from App42 storage service.
answered Mar 27, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
thanks for quick replied.
yes i am doing that logic what ever you said.
but the problem is that when i calling the Find Document By Key Value() that
giving me some object like docId and createdAt but how can i get the json table value.
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