You changed app42 pricing plan?

0 votes
App42 Large pricing plan was 199USD and I see it become 300 USD. Is it written by mistake? Extra 100 USD in a year? Come on boys...
asked May 12, 2016 in Announcements by hakcan.atilim (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Hackan


We have added several new features and upgraded the infra for better performance which will compensate for $100 hike. We have not increased the pricing but have introduced a new pricing plan for $300 with more features and retired $199 plan.

But still if you are an old registered user of the platform and you have some pricing question, you can get in touch with your Account Manager and he will help you answering them.



Himanshu Sharma
answered May 13, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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