Non english characters in user names and chats

0 votes

Does your JS appwarp sdk support non english characters? I need support of russian one (cyrillic).

I'm playing around with "Chat app" example ( but with latest appwarp JS sdk (v. 1.6). When i'm trying to initialize as user with cyrillic name, i get "Connection error". Also sending russian symbols to room chat makes words converted "привет" -> "?@825B".

asked Apr 6, 2014 in AppWarp by Dmitriy Chernokur (21 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
You can try and do a base64 encode/decode strategy. So convert the string in your desired character set to bytes and then to base64 while sending and when you receive, convert the base64 string to bytes and then to your desired character set. Might work?
answered Apr 6, 2014 by dhruvc (1,099 points)
selected Apr 7, 2014 by Dmitriy Chernokur
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