Guest Accounts

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I'd like to be able to make some sort of Guest Account, where users still have full access to the game but don't need to quite register yet. How do I hack this?

Do I need to create a new user with a random id that's saved locally, and dummy values for the email and password?

What happens when they want to register? Do I need to copy over all their data to a new user account, and then delete the guest one?

I currently tried to skip making a user account at all, and just give them a document in a seperate 'user data' table, but I get permission errors when trying to do anything with a non user account (the app has ACL enabled)
asked Dec 9, 2016 in Android by kelsonkug (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, you can create a Guest user with dummy emailID and password. When they actually want to register to your app then you can update thier emailID with the valid emailID in the existing account itself. However the userName will be the same. For password, you can user resetPassword API. I believe you will not get the permission errors in that case.

Please let me know if you have any further queries, I will be happy to help you.

answered Dec 12, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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