Best way to read room properties at lobby

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I want the user can see the properties of each room at the lobby. For example, when a player enter a room and select a character. I want the users at the lobby can see which character the players select. Can anyone suggest the procedure of acheiving my goal? Thanks.
asked Jan 4, 2017 in Android by Caspar Chan (10 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Casper,

Greetings from ShpeHertz!!!

Apologies for late reply.

When player join a room with the desired property using joinRoomWithProperties API,  currently there is no way to find which room property other player passed during the room Join.

But you can do implementation using privateChat API.

you can send privateChat to respective user as per your business logic so that other player can send the desirec properties while joining a room. Event you can ask the roomId by which player has joined so that you can join the same room.

let me know if it helps.


Vishnu Garg


answered Jan 6, 2017 by Vishnu Garg (674 points)
Thanks. I will try it
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