Guaranteed push notification

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Hello I am looking for a way to send push notification from user A to use B. When user B receives the message, then user B stores it in storage. My concern is that, for some reason, if user B does not receive the notification so it is not stored in storage. Is there a way to check if push notification is sent and received? some sort of acknowledgment? Thank you
asked May 19, 2017 in Android by AndroidFolk (107 points)

1 Answer

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Push Notifications are sent through GCM or APNS. We only get confirmation that the request to send notification was accepted by GCM/APNS or not. Once it is accepted then we assume it is sent.

The better way will be instead of storing the notification when B recived it. You can store notification on the cloud when it was sent by A. This you will never miss any message and you can check the cloud after certain time interval.

I hope this will help.

answered May 19, 2017 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
That's a great idea. Do you mean that I need to use the cloud code feature to build server code ?
Also when I send notification from A , how can I capture it in  the server to store it before it is sent to apn/GCM?

Or do you mean that A will store it on the server and then will send notification  (2 different app calls )?
Yes, A have to call storage API as well to save it on cloud and send Push Notification.
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