Cannot connect Appwarp while VPN is On

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Hi All

When I open vpn and select for instance Germany as sever location, I cannot connect to Appwarp. No problem with App42. Why? I cannot test my game! So does it mean a user from Germany cannot connect to my game? Or is it related with vpn?

asked May 22, 2017 in Unity by gokhan (20 points)
After 2 minutes of wait, ı got connection error 5

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Gokhan,

We have AppWarp servers in USA, Europe, Japan and Sao Paulo Brazil. You can connect to these servers by setting geo as us, eu, jp and sp.

Could you please share the string which you are setting as geo? It will help us to understand the problem in better way.

answered May 23, 2017 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
Hi Rajeev
I do not set geo. I just use Appwarp.Instance.Connect("Username").
I tested it with appwarp 1.10.1 but no change:(
I tested it using setGeo, still no change!!
Rajev I am using appwarp 1.10.1,unity3d,turbo vpn(from play store). Can you please test it and verify it?
Hi Gokhan,

It is related to VPN. AppWarp works over tcp and udp sockets. Please check if the VPN you are using is allowing both then only you will be able to connect to AppWarp server.

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