How can i order userscore?

0 votes
Hi There!

I'm implementing a leaderboard for my game in unity3d..everything is working fine except the order of score basically i'm having two score catagories (PlayerTime, PlayerMoves) i could retreive the scores in each catagory just fine but the order is always wrong..i have tried using setOrder function but i don't know how to use it...please help this is urgent.. thank you!
asked Apr 9, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by hafidbekkouche (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Order in the leaderboard is always by score. Default order is descending by score.

Can you please explain by what basis order is wrong in the leaderboard?
answered Apr 9, 2014 by ajay123 (899 points)
Allright i for the leaderboard working and now it's ordering the scores by Descending, how can i go about doing the reverse i mean getting the scores by Ascending??
Do this
Dictionary<string,string> otherMetaHeaders = new Dictionary<string,string>();
otherMetaHeaders.Add("orderByAscending", "score"); // Use orderByDescending for Descending
//Now Call getTopNrankers or other leader board method
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