Create a user then connect the user returns error 4

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Hello I noticed that if I create a new user using the userService and then I try to connect to appwrap with this user right after, I get exception with code 4 onConnectUserDone Then if I try to connect again after it works. Is this intended behaviour?
asked Apr 15, 2014 in AppWarp by arasem500 (10 points)

1 Answer

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What excatly you are passing in the connect() method???
answered Apr 15, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
Sorry I have been trying to investigate on my end and still can't fix it. Here is the scenario, if I try to do authentication using the user service (whether  I end up creating a new user or successfully authenticating an existing user ) then after   that I try to connect the user name, then I get event with error Code =4.  Here is the connect code
And the user name is not null
The only possibility I think of is that somehow your server code performs "user connect" when I do "user authentication" and then when  I do connect, it i a duplicate call.. That's my only thought
Can you provide us some more details with code snippets for authenticating and connecting. Are you using AppWarpS2 or Appwarp Cloud??
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