Error while Uploading file with Unity

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I am trying to upload a file with the following code:



In the callback, i am getting the following exeption:
{"httpErrorCode":"400", "appErrorCode":"1400", "message":"Bad Request", "details":"The Request parameters are invalid"}
I can upload the exact same file with the same parameters from the App42 web interface.
I tryed different file formats (BIN...).
I tried different file path and file path formats.
The user is existing (and it works with the web interface).
I use : App42_Unity3D_SDK_2.6.1.dll
Any idea ?
asked Apr 30, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by yves.grolet (10 points)

1 Answer

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Thanx for connecting with us,

This error comes because you didn't initialize App42API,  as mentioned in API DOCS.

Just put  App42API.Initialize("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_SECRET_KEY"); , in your start function of Unity.

Happy Coding.  :) 

answered Apr 30, 2014 by Akshay.Mishra (179 points)
It works, thanks :-)
Ur Welcome, nd still if u have any further issue, then feel free to ask us...
And, if u got your answer then select the answer as solved.. O.K..
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