How to delete data generated in Buddy Management Service?

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If a user is created in Buddy management service, how do we delete it?


User1 sends friend request to User2. User2 accepts it.

User1 and User2 exchange messages.


Is there an api to delete these messages from server? Is there an api to delete User2 and/or User1?

Is there a way to keep only unread messages in server?
asked May 30, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Sahil Gera (20 points)
edited May 30, 2014 by Sahil Gera

1 Answer

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Hi Sahil,

Yes there is api to delete message which has been exchange between User1 and User2. please find the link here

and to delete user you can use Unfriend api , which will make user1 and user2 unfriend and further there will be no relation between user1 and user2 any more for that you can find link here and to maintain unread message you can use storage service in which you can maintain state of that message that message is read/unread.


Thank You!!

answered May 31, 2014 by SACHIN25 (190 points)
selected Jun 2, 2014 by Sahil Gera

the UnFriend Method does not exist in the Unity3D SDK, is this a known problem?
Can we expect a fix for this?

Thank you!
It will be grateful if you let us know that which SDK version you are working on. And prefer you to use the latest SDK version which you can download from here ( ) .
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