How to get chat messages history

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Hi Dear,

I want to show all chat history by paging

how to get this?
asked Jun 5, 2014 in AppWarp by ashish (10 points)

1 Answer

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You can do this by two ways

1. You can create a bot user that will always be conneted to a room. The bot will also receive all msessages like another user, then the bot will save all the messages locally. Later on, users can send private chat requests to the bot to retrieve the chat history.

2. The best way in such case would be to use AppWarp S2, here you will have full control over the AppWarp Server and there you can store all messages in a DB or locally as every message has to go through server.
answered Jun 5, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
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