How can I delete a database and make a new one?

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I have a database which I can see in the App42 Management Console. I don't remember how I created it, but it wascreated with:

String dbName = "TEST";  
String collectionName = "foo";

Anyway I deleted all the documents and collections but "TEST" still remains.

I want to make a new database with the following:

String dbName = "TOTMPsubscriptions";  
String collectionName = "subscriptions"

I thought these statements would do that:

String subscribedUserJSON =  "{\"username\":\"" +app42userName"\",\"expirationdate\":\"2014-6-27\"}";    

storageService.InsertJSONDocument(dbNamecollectionNamesubscribedUserJSONnew StorageResponse());

But I get the following exception:

Exception is : com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42BadParameterException: {"httpErrorCode":"400", "appErrorCode":"2610", "message":"Bad Request", "details":"The request parameters are invalid. Storage '[TEST]' already exists."}

closed as a duplicate of: Storage service - Delete a database
asked Jun 25, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by huffman (17 points)
closed Jun 25, 2014 by huffman
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