fail to GetTopNRankers from server

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I am going to build a game application that for facebook (a web game application). I able to get the result success in unity, everything work fine in unity, but after build into web player platform, i unable get top n ranker. any idea what is the problem?
closed with the note: Solve the problem
asked Jul 12, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by admin (10 points)
recategorized Oct 26, 2014 by sushil
Please make sure that you are using async method to make it work on all platform. If you have used sync version, it is not going to work on web player. Also, would be great if you can put your error message to debug it more.
i use scoreBoardService.GetTopNRankers(cons.gameName, 5, globalLBCallBack);
to retrieve the global leaderboard, but it dint give back the data to me.
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