scheduleMessageToUser is sending message immediately

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I'm new at app42.

In PHP i made a request using the following:

$userName = "Vitor";

$message = "ola";

$dataenvio = "2014-08-18 02:00:00";

$pushNotification = $pushNotificationService->scheduleMessageToUser($userName,$message,$dataenvio);

The message is scheduled to 18 but it's sent immediately.

Can you please tell me what i'm doing wrong.

best regards,

closed with the note: Closing this thread as there was no update from last 2 Weeks or more. Please raise a new query if problem persists.
asked Aug 15, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by vitor.rocha (10 points)
closed Sep 17, 2014 by sushil
This looks strange. Can you please let us know on which PHP SDK version you are on? We will replicate this issue at our end at let you know for the same.
Hi Hs00105,

I'm using version 2.3.

Could this issue be related with my TimeZone?

best regards,

Could you please share the response of this method. It will help us to identify the root cause of this issue.
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