Social Leaderboard for Mobile Game built with Unity3D

0 votes
I'm working on a game using Unity and would like to add a scoial leaderboard.  I see that you have a sample for that but looking at it appears to be mostly ofr building facebook games as opposed to mobile games.  I'd like to deploy my game to Windows Phone, iOS and Android.  Does the social leaderboard api support that or is it mostly for facebook games?

Is there a sample of a mobile game that I would walkthrough to better understand how that all would work and to verify that it would be compatible across Windows Phone, iOS and Android.

asked Mar 9, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Ben Riga (10 points)
recategorized Mar 11, 2014 by shepAdmin

1 Answer

0 votes

Our social leader bard API's are cross platform. And we made a social leader board sample for facebook app. This is working fine on android too. Please see my related answer on this

Facebook Unity SDK doesn't officially support WP8 yet. And for Unity IOS Facebook integration please visit



answered Mar 10, 2014 by sshukla480 (407 points)
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