Leaderboard "Get Top N Rankers By Group" Method return empty list.

0 votes
For Get Top N Rankers By Group method, it takes 2 paramenters, one gameName and one userList.

If the userList size is small, the function works fine. Currently I am facing a problem, when userList size is big(around 850), the returned game object will contains no user. What is the reason behind this? Is there a hard limit on the list?
asked Sep 15, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by tianyi (15 points)
Hello Tianyi,

Could you please let us know that in which platform and App42 SDK version you are working on it will help us to provide better support to you.

Himanshu Sharma
I am working on a web application and implement the leaderboard feature using app42 API. SDK I am and using is App42_JAVA_SDK_2.1.jar

1 Answer

0 votes

Hello Tianyi,

Kindly integrate the latest sdk version in your project to find the top n ranker in your game.
Also, we would suggest you not to request more then 100 records because it is making a effect on your app. Please use top 10 or top 20 values only to make it more responsive client app in single API call. You can use paging if you want to fetch more rankers beyond that. 
Let us know if it helps.
answered Sep 18, 2014 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
Thanks for the help. I will try the new SDK.
The reason why I am using "Get Top N Rankers By Group" method is because I am trying to achieve social leaderboard, which the leaderboard only contains current user's friends, instead of all the user in this game.
Some user has a lot of friends, is there a better way to achieve this?
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