some device, errordetails:Client is not authorized

0 votes

same time same code,

some device error with cocos2dx when i try stotageservice.


Curl curl_easy_getinfo failed: No error


errordetails:Client is not authorized

errorMessage:UnAuthorized Access




I don't know how this happened. thanks.

closed with the note: Closing this thread as there was no update from last 2 Weeks or more. Please raise a new query if problem persists.
asked Oct 1, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by brown (10 points)
closed Oct 27, 2014 by sushil
Hi Brown,
Can you please tell us the device details on which this issue is coming, also which version of App42_Cocos2dX_SDK and Cocos2d-x you are using. Is it reproducing frequently.
Can you share the logs if available after enabling SDK internal logs placing  
just after initialising App42API.
cocos2dx 3.2
iPhone 5s, suddenly not work.
newest App42_Cocos2dX_SDK,

trace is

App42Trace: Headers:
App42Trace: apiKey:761382f0e59dfac1ef99fa9e116bb9120998cf92eb7c38ead0af177b4de5ded6
App42Trace: timeStamp:2014-10-02T1:5:59.000Z
App42Trace: signature:TNDeDYklHwnfU%2BBPH5dG0VSjlQ4%3D
App42Trace: version:1.0
App42Trace: Accept: application/json
App42Trace: Content-Type: application/json
App42Trace: SDKName: Cocos2d-X
App42Trace: BaseURL=
Curl curl_easy_getinfo failed: No errorApp42Trace: response code: 401
App42Trace: response failed
App42Trace: error buffer:
App42Trace: Response string={"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":401,"appErrorCode":1401,"message":"UnAuthorized Access","details":"Client is not authorized"}}
App42Trace: App42StorageResult failed result is 401
InsertJsonDocument is work but
FindDocumentByQuery is not this device
I tried to reproduce the issue on iPhone 5S, but it is working fine at my end. Can you please provide some more info like code snippet or step to reproduce the issue if there is any special case. Also generally this issue comes when API_KEY / SECRET_KEY is not set properly or if the device time zone is not correct. Can you please cross verify these two things.
Also what is the os version of the device. I will be trying to reproduce the issue but any info that will help in reproducing the issue will be a great help.
this problem fixed automatically.
after 2 days.
Hello Brown,
Requesting you to please close this thread if your query has been resolved.
Himanshu Sharma
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