Support for forcable disconnects(kicking) and/or Banning

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Just signed up and have been reading through documentation.  I like the lobby and room support and intend to use the real-time turn based solutions in the very near future.  I didn't see anything about forcably kicking a user or banning support.  I am wondering about scenarios like the one slisted below:

  • A user is rude in the lobby, room, or game chat/play
    • host kick them out
    • taking a user vote so players can kick them out
    • ban them for X amount of time or forever based on userid
  • A user in a Multiplayer game or Turn based game shows a connection, but isn't making any moves
    • I see support for turn based where the turn moves to the next player
      • I might want to just remove them from the game instead of skipping their turn
      • I might want to do so after they have been skipped or haven't moved for X times in a row , X amount time\ticks

If the services provide kick/ban functionality then I can easily see how I can write code to detect these scenarios based on server messages and act accordingly, but I didn't read anything about forcefully dicsocnnecting a user either automatically or manually.  

I haven't perused examples yet, so please excuse me if there are already examples showing this.



Dave H.

asked Oct 15, 2014 in AppWarpS2 by davehibshman (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hey Dave,
We provide a separate solution called AppWarp S2 which is a on-premise solution. AppWarp S2 works similarly like AppWarp Cloud service, but you can extend the logic of AppWarp on server side.
Hence, using AppWarp S2, you can control whether you want to allow a certain user to join your game or not. You can also forcibly disconnect him from server. 
Banning or forcibly disconnecting of a user is not available in AppWarp cloud as of now.
answered Oct 16, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
hi, which  server side APIs do that forcing?
You can override handleUserJoinRequest on AppWarpS2 side to achieve this. For more information about AppWarpS2 API go through with
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