Question about scoreboard

0 votes
I am currently working on Leaderboard Service and would like to ask 2 questions:

1. From API, to save a score of a specific user, it uses "userName" to identify users. Since for leaderboard, you will only see one score from each player. Obviously it will cause problem when two users have the same userName. That means we are not suggested to use the Player Name as the userName, am I right? Are we supposed to use something like Device ID for userName? But how can we convert the device ID to player name when a user view the ranking that shows other player names?

2. Are the messages encrypted during transmission? Since we need to directly provide the score to ScoreboardService, we cannot do the encryption part. I am worrying about the secruity.

Thanks for answering.
asked Nov 24, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by (10 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Take a look at this blog post:

I have solved this in my windows phone apps by storing leaderboard display name in Storage Service, and I have stored a user with the unique device id that is linked to the Storage data. When posting a score I also use the unique device-id as username, and when fetching the leaderboard I also retreive the displayname from Storage Service (it's joined in in the api response).

Have hit some perf trouble after 500k scores posted - looking into that.

If you want my C# code just email me at runesel(at)hotmail(dot)com


answered Nov 24, 2014 by runesel (20 points)
Thanks for help! Hope someone can answer the 2nd question
All the message transmission is encrypted in App42 and runs over HTTPS.  Let me know if this answers your question.

Himanshu Sharma
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