Wich backend/lobby service should I choose for my UNITY turn based game?

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Im a indie developer making my VERY first game. I choosed UNITY to develop it in and and the app is now pretty much finished (meaning you can play the game by handing over the smarphone to the opponent after every turn). Ofcourse I know there is still a long way to to before I see it on goolge play and app store but Im willing to put down hours in this. What is left is to sync my game with one of shepherz products to make it an online game. I dont understand wich one of the four versions of back end proucts I should go for. What is the difference?


asked Dec 15, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by janssonerik1981 (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Erik,

If your game is a real time multiplayer then you will need AppWarp. AppWarp allows creation of multiplayer games and has all the features that you might require. It has support for rooms, lobby, matchmaking, etc. It already has special APIs for turn based games. So you can easily use AppWarp for creating your game.

We also have another product called App42 that you can use to implement social features along with AppWarp. With App42 you can incorporate User Management, Leaderboard, Rewards, Achievements, etc.

Have a look at AppWarp's DevCenter : http://appwarp.shephertz.com/game-development-center/

answered Dec 15, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
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