The imported type `SimpleJSON.JSON' is defined multiple times

0 votes

Not sure why I'm getting this error, just started playing around with app42 warp and can't even get it so there's no errors , I took this code right from the sample and not sure why I'm getting an error.


public void onChatReceived (ChatEvent eventObj)
            Log(eventObj.getSender() + " sended " + eventObj.getMessage());
            SimpleJSON.JSONNode msg =  SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(eventObj.getMessage());
            if(eventObj.getSender() != appwarp.username)
                //Log(msg["x"].ToString()+" "+msg["y"].ToString()+" "+msg["z"].ToString());


also getting the error 

 Cannot implicitly convert type `SimpleJSON.JObject' to `SimpleJSON.JSONNode'

asked Mar 22, 2014 in AppWarp by JoeCrill (25 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi - can you tell us which sample is this?

This error was there in our older SDK versions as the JSON name clashed when using both App42 and AppWarp assets in the same unity project.

I recommend you try out the Viking Demo sample described in the following post
answered Mar 22, 2014 by dhruvc (1,099 points)
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