Add to score on a leaderboard for user.

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I need to cumulatively add to the scores of users on a Leaderboard, because each time they play the score should be added to their prior score.

Is this possible, and if so how?  I'm guessing I get the user score if it exists and edit it by id, otherwise create a new entry in the leaderboard for the user.
asked Jul 7, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Jamaal Sawyer-Dymski (27 points)

1 Answer

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Hello Jamaal,

Yes, it is possible, you can save the scoreId of user in app local storage and check if the scoreId exist than call editScoreValueById method otherwise call saveUserScore method. 

To get the scoreId of user while saving the user score, please have a look at this link and let me know if it helps. 


Himanshu Sharma

answered Jul 8, 2015 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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