Convert Photon to appwarp

+2 votes
Hello I came across the appwarp and i liked it as it offers unlimited ccu for indie e developers. How much it would take me to convert my photon script to appwarp? My script has also these functions onjoinedroom,oncustomroompropertieschanged, setcustomroomproperties and rpc calls.
asked Aug 9, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by eduardhasanaj2 (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Thanks for choosing AppWarpS2 as your gaming back-end.

Migrating from Photon to AppWarpS2 will not take much time provided you have a basic knowledge of our APIs. Please go through our Dev Center to know more about AppWarpS2 features, samples. We do have Viking demo using AppWarpS2 which will help you to get started.

AppWarpS2 does support all the funcionalties you have mentioned above such as RPC calls, room properties, matchmaking etc. You can also check out the complete list of APIs available in AppWarpS2 to get more out of it.

Please let me know if you face any problem during the integration.


answered Aug 10, 2015 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
Are these features part of appwarp not appwarp s2 as at current i cant afford it
AppWarp has all the features excpt RPC calls. For more details about AppWarp features and samples please go through AppWarp's Dev Center(
Let me know if you face any problem.
unfourtenately my game is based only in rpc. I tested photon but with these rpc my game just crash because the photon cant hanle them. please can you tell me a way that works like rpc in free version of appwarp. I have some values that when a player changes them the updated values should be send to other player. to conclude these variables should be the same all time
You can achieve this easily on AppWarp. You can use sendChat( or sendUpdatePeers( apis to achieve it. When you send messages using these apis, all the users subscribed for a room will receive the message in a notification from AppWarp.Please go through above link to know more.
Let me know if you have further questions.
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