onConnectDone result code on Unity SDK

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I can't found result code mean of unity SDK for warps2 on document. Sometime it return "8", or "9". I don't know what does it mean?

Please support,

Thank you!
asked Aug 11, 2015 in AppWarpS2 by hoangviet (15 points)

1 Answer

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The extra result code are documentated as follows:

1.  Result Code is for SUCCESS_RECOVERED : This occurs only when Connection Resiliency is used and the connection gets recovered within the specified time. If not, you will get a CONNECTION_ERR.

2.  Result Code is for CONNECTION_ERROR_RECOVERABLE : This occurs only when Connection Resiliency is used and the connection was broken due to some reason. If not, you will get a CONNECTION_ERR.

3. Result Code 10 is for USER_PAUSED_ERROR : This occurs when trying to connect to a user who has been paused for that particular time.


We'll  be adding these result codes in our appwarp s2 document update soon.

If you face any issue, please feel free to contact us.


Thanks & Regards,

Sumit Balodi

Appwarp Support Team.

answered Aug 11, 2015 by sumit.balodi (40 points)
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