Is app42 included with appwarp? Is this hacker paradise?

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Hi I'm new, coming from Photon Cloud.

Photon Cloud appears to be hacker paradise. Once a user is logged into the cloud, you cannot kick them out. They can freely make rooms, modify room properties, and create spam, and you cannot stop them.

I see that appwarp can work with app42. What I can't figure out is if this means I must pay for two subscriptions, one for appwarp, and another subscription for app42? There is no wrong answer to this question, I'd just like to know if this is the case, so I can calculate how much this is going to cost me.

My next question is, can a combination of appwarp + app42 be used to....

1) Prevent a user from creating 10,000,000,000,000 rooms?

2) Prevent a user from joining a room with 10,000,000,000,000 copies of himself?

3) Prevent a user from spamming 10,000,000,000,000 messages?

4) Prevent a user from deleting all the properties of every room, and replacing those properties with profanity?

5) Prevent a user from running around like he's some kind of administrator, and doing anything he wants, as often as he wants, while I am helpless to do anything about it?

Basically for my purposes, I want to be the only person who can create rooms. I also want to be the only person who can set or modify room properties. Photon Cloud has no means of controlling who can or can't do these basic things. I'm hoping this is possible here.

asked Oct 13, 2015 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by aaronbrownlm (10 points)

1 Answer

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Hello Aaron,

Yes, App42 and AppWarp works together. As both are different products so you have to get separate subscriptions for each of them.

Before answering your question, let me give you a brief info about AppWarp.

AppWarp has two flavours, AppWarp Cloud and AppWarpS2 (On-Premise).
    -Runs on our server
    -Players can join by providing unique user name
    -Player can not have multiple concurrent sessions on single device even with different user names
    -Players can not have multiple concurrent sessions for same user name even from different devices
    -If you have provided the option to create room in your application then players can create rooms.
    -Once joined in a room, players can send messages, their is no restriction for server side.

    -AppWarpS2 is On-Premise solution and super set of AppWarp Cloud
    -You get the server side code which you can customise as per your need and you can then host it on our hosting solution GPaaS or on any 3rd party servers.
    -AppWarpS2 server is fully customisable and you can put all the restrictions you have mentioned.
    -You can add virtual user along with their AI logic on the server
    -You can create RPC calls as well
As per your requirement, i will recommend you to use AppWarpS2. With AppWarS2, App42 Cloud APIs can be integrated to server as well as Client.

Please let me know if you have any further queries.


answered Oct 13, 2015 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
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