NullPointerException in initUDP

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I am trying to connect to my local server, inside onConnectDone if I get a SUCCESS code i call the initUDP():


But I get a NullPointerException inside initUDP method:

onConnectDone : e.getResult() : 0 REASON CODE :: 0
at com.blackcoffee.onfriday.appwarpclient.WarpController.onConnectDone(
at com.blackcoffee.onfriday.appwarpclient.ConnListener.onConnectDone(
at com.shephertz.app42.gaming.multiplayer.client.WarpClient.fireConnectionEvent(
at com.shephertz.app42.gaming.multiplayer.client.WarpClient.handleAuthenticateResponse(
at com.shephertz.app42.gaming.multiplayer.client.WarpClient.onResponse(
Below are the warplog.log content:
2015-12-31 14:59:42,552 - WARNING: Error in loading license from server java.lang.Exception: no license key in AppConfig.json
2015-12-31 14:59:42,552 - WARNING: Running with 100 CCU limit
2015-12-31 14:59:43,132 - INFO: TCP server started
2015-12-31 14:59:43,162 - INFO: UDPServer started
2015-12-31 14:59:43,172 - INFO: started FlashPolicyServer
2015-12-31 14:59:43,172 - INFO: SQLSyntaxErrorException as HSQLServiceTable already exists
2015-12-31 14:59:43,172 - INFO: SQLSyntaxErrorException as HSQLMeteringTable already exists
2015-12-31 14:59:43,172 - INFO: SQLSyntaxErrorException as HSQLRoomTable already exists
Can anyone please help us identify the issue here.
closed with the note: Don't need to call this function anymore.
asked Dec 31, 2015 in AppWarp by jitesh.h.lalwani (20 points)
closed Jan 1, 2016 by jitesh.h.lalwani
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