migration - Only importing 400 users?

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After performing a migration from I only have 400 users. There are 512 users in my Parse JSON data. Does the migration service only import the first 400? Is there a limit because I am currently using the 'free' tier? Not sure if there is something wrong with my data or if a limit is being imposed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
asked Feb 14, 2016 in Android by Steven Alexander (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Steve,

There is no limit on user creation. However, it seems like there is duplicacy of usernames/email ids in your data. So, Could you please check your user JSON because in our case username & email id both will be unique.

Let me know if you require any help while integrating App42 SDK.

I Will be Happy to address your cocern.


Himanshu Sharma
answered Feb 15, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
Hi Himanshu,

Thanks for the response but the problem is not duplicates. It is only importing the first 400 entries in the JSON array. Any user with an array index greater than 400 is not imported.

Additionally I've been through all the users and as best as I can tell there is only 1 duplicate (starts with 'lexu'). There a few that look like duplicates but are not (e.g.

If you can offer any further help that would be great.
Hi Steve,

If it is possible then please share your JSON with us at It will help us to provide better support to you.

Himanshu Sharma
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