Communication Issue Between Callback Classes and Main Class

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I have Main class derived from Monobehaviour in which I do api calls(create user,authenticate,logout, etc) and related callback classes derived from App42CallBack. I want to access MainMenuPanel(which is a public gameobject variable) from AuthCallback class in order to make it visible. Can you please guide me how can I do that except making MainMenuPanel a static variable(Since static variables are not visible in unity editor, I dont want that)

public class DefaultController : MonoBehaviour 

public GameObject mainMenuPanel;

	public void GirişYapBtnClick()
		string kullanıcıAdi = girişYapKA.text;
		string pass = girişYapPass.text;
		userService = sp.BuildUserService ();
		userService.Authenticate(kullanıcıAdi,pass,new AuthCallback());


public class AuthCallback : App42CallBack  
	public void OnSuccess(object response)  
		Debug.Log("success ok");
		User user = (User) response;
		PlayerPrefs.SetString ("UserName", user.GetUserName());
		PlayerPrefs.SetString ("SessionId", user.GetSessionId ());
		Debug.Log ("UserName-A"+ user.GetUserName());
		Debug.Log ("SessionId-A"+ user.GetSessionId ());

//HOW DO I ACCESS public gameobject MainMenuPanel HERE?

	public void OnException(Exception e)  
		Debug.Log("Exception : " + e);  


asked Feb 23, 2016 in Unity by gokhan (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Gokhan,

Please have a  look at this link which will help you access other game objects. Let me know if it helps.


Himanshu Sharma

answered Feb 24, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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