Documentation of SetOtherMetaHeaders function

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Thanks hs00105
It works exactly how I want, but now I wonder where this information is documented? I mean what setOtherMetaHeaders does? Can I use it with other functions etc? I want to know more about this function and others which are not documented. Because knowing a small fuction prevented me to use extra api call...
Simge Simulation Tech.
related to an answer for: Get User data with Authenticate api call
asked Feb 26, 2016 in Unity by gokhan (20 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Gokhan,

SetOtherMetaHeaders function basically take key/value parameter along with method request to find the meta information of the user. Above functionality that fetching the additional data of the user from storage service along with User object is documented here, however, we are also in the process of updating our tutorial and docs with every single use case which user might have. In the meanwhile, please shoot any question which you have in terms of implementing the App42 SDK or you have some technical concerns or you need help to understand the best practices of data insertion in App42 Database.

Please let me know, I will be Happy to address your concern. 


Himanshu Sharma

App42 Team


answered Feb 27, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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Himanshu sharma
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