send push notification to group of selected user

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firsts of all i want to thanks to create such nice plugin which is easy to integrated in unity code for ios and android.

i have user list and i select only 5 user than it will create Ilist<string> usernamelist. so when i want to send push notitification to group of user :

strtoomname is message and selecteduserid is ilist which is paased to group of user.



i have import all namesapce and all packages in my script. the problem is only there i have mac on mac when i select 5 user and send notification to 5 user all og them got. 5 user is on android or ios device.


But when i install on android and get list of user and select some user and sent push notification than its not working. same function with same arguments but not working. i have tried almost all alternate to send message to group.,


is ther any setting in app42 server to send notification to group or this service is not availbale iin trail version let me know. i am already completed my phase and i also want to purchase so also send me details about that.


Thank you very much in advance reply me ASAP...

asked Apr 18, 2016 in Unity by jns7309 (10 points)

1 Answer

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Thanks for your valuable feedback. Could you please share the push logs which you are getting at the time of sending the push to android users. It will help us to provide better support to you. To see the push logs, you need to follow some steps:

  • Login to AppHQ Management Console
  • Enable push logs from App Manager -> Settings -> Enable push logs state
  • Once you enable this, send push to your android users

After following above steps, you will be able to see push logs under Unified Notification -> Push -> Logs section. Please share those logs with us. it will help us to provide better support to you. 


Himanshu Sharma 

answered Apr 18, 2016 by hs00105 (2,005 points)
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