Game not reconnecting after calling "Recover Connection"

0 votes


I have implemented "setRecoveryAllowance" after the initialization and "RecoverConnection"  at "WarpResponseResultCode.CONNECTION_ERROR_RECOVERABLE" but still the user doesnt reconnects after getting disconnected. Attached to the link is the appwarp class and listner class file.


asked May 6, 2016 in Unity by vipulgandhi (11 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi Vipul,

After getting CONNECTION_ERROR_RECOVERABLE result code in onConnectDone, when you are calling RecoverConnection API then did you get onConnectDone callback again. If Yes, then what is the result code you are getting in response to RecoverConnection API call.

Also, after going through your code i found that you are calling connect, joinRoom and some other APIs in sequence one after other without waiting for the response of connect API. If the joinRoom or any other API you are calling before getting SUCCESS response in onConnectDone callback, then you will get fail response for that API. Ideal way is to call any API of AppWarp after you get SUCCESS response in onConnectDone for connect API call.




answered May 7, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
Hello Rajeev,

Greetings for the day !!

After getting CONNECTION_ERROR_RECOVERABLE result code in onConnectDone,we have reconnected the device with the internet but we are not getting onConnectDone callback again. We are calling RecoverConnection API after every 5 sec's.

Also, we have modified our code, we are calling join and subscribe after getting the respective success response.

Attached is the link to the project.
unity v5.1.0


Hi Vipul,
Apologies for the late reply.
I have answered this question on the latest thread on forum. Please check this here(
Let me know if the problem continues.
Hello Rajeev,

Humbly appreciate the support, we have resolved the issue.

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