Create teams and chat

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Hello I am trying to add the concept of teams using the available products. With teams, I want members to create teams, add each other and chat with each other. I am looking for high level advice on how to proceed with that. I was thinking that I manage teams and who belong to what using storage service ( where each entry contains json of the team name and its members). Then when it comes to chat, basically I get the userId of all members from the above json and send each one of them an indivdual push message. Is this the right way of doing things? I find it to be a bit complicated to do a common social task like that so if you have suggestion please assist Thank you
asked Jul 9, 2016 in Unity by AndroidFolk (107 points)

1 Answer

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Yes, you can implement this feature using the combination of push and storage. Only small suggestion to the above solution is use sendPushMessageToGroup API to send push instead of sending individually and i will also suggest you to save messages to storage and refresh the chat window after every certain interval. It will help you to maintain chat history.

Let me know if you have any other queries.



answered Jul 11, 2016 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
selected Jul 15, 2016 by AndroidFolk
Thank you for the suggestion
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