How to connect to Appwarp s2 server from Facebook Gameroom app

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When I run my game locally, my game can connect to the Appwarp s2 hosted at: url:12346 When I move my game to Facebook game room, my game cannot connect to S2 anymore, I guess that is Facebook hosting policy not allowing to connect to port 12346 How do I get around the Facebook issue and able to connect to Appwarp S2 server ? Best Regards.
asked Jul 3, 2017 in AppWarpS2 by manhson (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Manhson,

You need to configure SSL at your AppWarpS2 server to make it work. I believe facebook does not support any without SSL.

Please let me know if you have any further query, I will be happy to help you.

answered Jul 4, 2017 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
Are you using AppWarpS2 client or AppWarpCloud client
I use the Unity WebGL client. I dont see a separate SDK for S2
You can download comple AppWarpS2 webGL sample from
In plugin folder you will be find the AppWarpS2WebGL SDK and Websocket.js library.
Let me know in case of more queries are there.
It's working now. Thanks for your help Vishnu.
One more question, if only WebGL SDK has enableSSL api, other SDKs cannot support SSL?
Yes, We have provided this APi in case of JS SDk's only those will running on Browser.
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