I develop a program to send push notification in Java, but I have a problem if I send this text "Questa è una prova" notification start correctly.
If I send the text "Questa è una prova" I get an exception : {"app42Fault":{"httpErrorCode":401,"appErrorCode":1401,"message":"UnAuthorized Access","details":"Client is not authorized"}}
I make a lot of test and if i write chararacts like "è,ì,à" in the message text I get the excption Client is not authorized, but this only with java, with PHP all work fine.
This is the code:
//userList is a ArrayList of String
//msgJS is the text of message like {"idmsg":"11253","badge":1,"alert":"Questa è una prova","sound":"default","sendingFrom":"serverSide","title":"OpenDartFics"}
PushNotificationService pushService = App42API.buildPushNotificationService();
HashMap<String, String> otherMetaHeaders = new HashMap<>();
otherMetaHeaders.put("dataEncoding", "true");
pushService.sendPushMessageToGroup(msgJS, userList);