Numerous network errors

0 votes
Hi Support team, I enabled Trace, and I see numerous connection errors when the app starts. As a matter of fact, I am getting network errors when I try to download the SDK from your site. Is this something that you are working on? Due to these errors I can not play a game. Here is a sample of logs AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=1 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=1 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=14 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=14 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: NSStreamEventEndEncountered : 5 AppWarpTrace: Error 0: (null) AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onConnect:]..value=0...connectionState=0..sessionId=122185326 AppWarpTrace: Network issue..... AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient raiseConnectionListenerWithResult:]..result=9 2017-12-11 22:46:08.940090+0200 iTavli[10003:211372] onConnectDone = 9 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient recoverConnection] AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient recoverConnection]..Connecting AppWarpTrace: -[ClientChannel initNetworkCommunication] AppWarpTrace: Stream opened AppWarpTrace: Stream opened AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onConnect:]..value=1...connectionState=4..sessionId=122185326 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient sendAuthenticationRequestForUser:withSessionId:]..user=497A7F52-1409-46B8-8585-0EBF84297938...sessionId=122185326 AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=15 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient handleAuthResponse:]...result=0..type=1 AppWarpTrace: sessionIdString=1852196871,,,json={ autoRecover = 0; recoveryTime = 60; sessionid = 1852196871; }..connectionState=4 AppWarpTrace: sessionId=122185326,,,json={ autoRecover = 0; recoveryTime = 60; sessionid = 1852196871; }..connectionState=4 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient raiseConnectionListenerWithResult:]..result=8 2017-12-11 22:46:09.381945+0200 iTavli[10003:211372] onConnectDone = 8 2017-12-11 22:46:09.382227+0200 iTavli[10003:211372] connected AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=15 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=14 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=15 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=1 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=9 AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage Please reply, because I need to have a working version before the holidays. Thank you, Vasilis
asked Dec 11, 2017 in iOS by info (16 points)
Here is a fresh log that I got a few seconds after I started a game

AppWarpTrace: NSStreamEventEndEncountered : 5
AppWarpTrace: Error 0: (null)
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onConnect:]..value=0...connectionState=0..sessionId=-155048655
AppWarpTrace: Network issue.....
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient raiseConnectionListenerWithResult:]..result=9
2017-12-11 23:27:25.076749+0200 iTavli[17187:463374] onConnectDone = 9
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient recoverConnection]
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient recoverConnection]..Connecting
AppWarpTrace: -[ClientChannel initNetworkCommunication]
AppWarpTrace: Stream opened
AppWarpTrace: Stream opened
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onConnect:]..value=1...connectionState=4..sessionId=-155048655
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient sendAuthenticationRequestForUser:withSessionId:]..user=497A7F52-1409-46B8-8585-0EBF84297938...sessionId=-155048655
AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=15
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient handleAuthResponse:]...result=0..type=1
AppWarpTrace: sessionIdString=824558326,,,json={
    autoRecover = 0;
    recoveryTime = 60;
    sessionid = 824558326;
AppWarpTrace: sessionId=-155048655,,,json={
    autoRecover = 0;
    recoveryTime = 60;
    sessionid = 824558326;
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient raiseConnectionListenerWithResult:]..result=8
2017-12-11 23:27:25.952282+0200 iTavli[17187:463374] onConnectDone = 8
2017-12-11 23:27:25.953160+0200 iTavli[17187:463374] connected
AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=2
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage
AppWarpTrace: +[WarpMessageDecoder decode:]...updateType=9
AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onNotify:]...WarpNotifyMessage

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Vasilis,
How frequent are you getting this log? As in the above log, I can see it has come only once which normal case. This can occur due any kind of interrupt which can impact socket connectivity between device and server. Some of the reasons can be an intermittent network, call, any activity on a device which can put it in the background etc.
I have performed testing on my iOS Sample and below are the logs:

AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient raiseConnectionListenerWithResult:]..result=0

2017-12-12 17:39:31.267726+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] onConnectDone = 0

2017-12-12 17:39:31.268465+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] Connected Successfully

AppWarpTrace: sending assoc udp

AppWarpTrace: isAssocPortSent = 1

AppWarpTrace: -[ClientChannel onUdpSocket:didReceiveData:withTag:fromHost:port:]

2017-12-12 17:39:31.488869+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] -[WarpClient handleAssocUdpPortResponse:]....SUCCESS

AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient fireUDPEvent:]

2017-12-12 17:39:31.489108+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] UDP connected succesfully

AppWarpTrace: isAssocPortSent = 1

2017-12-12 17:40:08.840020+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] -[ZoneListener onGetAllRoomsDone:]

2017-12-12 17:41:16.549833+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] -[ZoneListener onGetAllRoomsDone:]

2017-12-12 17:42:45.206742+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] Joined successfully

2017-12-12 17:42:45.207067+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] Name = mainLobby

2017-12-12 17:42:45.207233+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] Owner = admin

2017-12-12 17:42:52.922570+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] -[ZoneListener onGetMatchedRoomsDone:]

2017-12-12 17:45:16.884397+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] -[ZoneListener onGetAllRoomsDone:]

AppWarpTrace: NSStreamEventEndEncountered : 5

AppWarpTrace: Error 0: (null)

AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient onConnect:]..value=0...connectionState=3..sessionId=-2054021032

AppWarpTrace: DISCONNECTING.....

AppWarpTrace: -[WarpClient fireDisconnectEvent:]

2017-12-12 17:45:32.997311+0530 AppWarpSDKSample[8856:2878218] Disconnected succesfully

In the above log, you can see that I was connected to the server around 6 mins then I called disconnect API.
Please let me know if this is not the case.
answered Dec 12, 2017 by rajeev.etc (1,660 points)
I just noticed that you are using udp. I am not. Could that be the case?
The server has some serious problems. During the game, I got an AUTH_ERROR.
I will try the server on sp
0 votes
Constantly!!! The logs are full with connection errors. I believe that this is because your sockets are very picky. Can I control them?

If not, my other choice is to resend the message, but, after how many seconds should I try to resend it?
answered Dec 12, 2017 by info (16 points)
Can you connect to our other server just for testing? Please use following code to select the server:
    [[WarpClient getInstance] setGeo:@"sp"]; // connect to server in Sao Paulo

You can paste this code just after SDK initialization code and let us know the result. It will help us to provide better support from our end.
Sure, I will try it later tonight
What is a typical range of times (in sec) for a message to be send to all connected users in a room?
If I understood the question then you are asking about how much time it takes to deliver a message to each and every user in the room. Normally, if you are sending message using sendChat API, it is in milli-seconds. However, it also depends on the network strength of user's mobile.
Based on your experience / tests, what is the worst and best case scenario?
I can not connect to SP. I am getting AUTH_ERROR as soon as the app starts.
No difference. I am still getting numerous connection errors
Can you share the complete Xcode console logs of 5 mins of gameplay?
I did send you an email yesterday with all the logs, which were connection error logs. But,
I think I know what the problem is:
Last night, around 11pm Greece time, I played a game for more than half an hour and I did not have any connection error. This means that you need to update your servers. Do you have a load balancer on the server? Do you add more resources when the demand increases?
Thanks for your input. Let me discuss this with my production team. I will get back to you asap on this.
Do you have an update?
How about now, do you have an update?
I have replied to your mail from support. Please check.
Did you receive my reply?
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