How I be able change details in the email template that I had created on the APP42

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Hello, I am trying to send email to on user registration but I don't now how will I be able to change the content in the template that I will create on the App42 panel. Like username and other details in the template. Thanks
asked Apr 7, 2018 in PHP by priyesh.axovel (11 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Priyesh,

You can change the content of the email template in the email service, which you will create in the App42 panel. 

Please follow the steps to change the content of the email template:

AppHQ->App42CloudAPI->UnifiedNotifications->Email->Template->Manage(already created template)->Update, where you can be able to change the content of the template.

In case if you have any other queries please do feel free to reach out to us.

We will be happy to help you.



Priyanka Singh

App42 Team

answered Apr 9, 2018 by anonymous
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