how i can fully disconnect with my multiplayer game.

0 votes
i want to fully disconnect with my multiplayer game by pressing a back button.

i am calling        warpClient.disconnect();      method on back press button. then tis player should remove from other device. but it is not happen. and my old player name will not be modify although i am providing new player name.

on the other hand if i fully exit from the game then my name is remove from other device. when next time i will run app

it will take my new name and my name is show in to other device. i want to do same thing without exit from the game but only pressing a back button.

so what i have to code under the back press button.
asked Apr 17, 2014 in AppWarp by maheshsahu125 (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you getting onDisconnectDone with result = 0 i.e. success, if not what value are you getting in response????
answered Apr 17, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
If you are getting onDisconnectDone = 0. Then on the remote device, the other users who were in the same room will get a notification - onUserLeftRoom with the name of the user who called disconnect.
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