retrieving data using SQL Query?

+1 vote


     Is it possible to retrieve data using sql queries in unity???
asked May 5, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by raj (21 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Raj ,

Currently there is no such method in which you can execute SQL Query.

Could you please elaborate your use case what kind of data you want to fetch?
answered May 5, 2014 by naresh (350 points)
Can We update array of data simultaneously.
E.g: Same data updated by multiple user. without affecting the others data
Hi Raj, you can use our query interface for fetching the data .
You can use Update Document By Query  Method .For more details go to our Tutorial ( .
+1 vote

You can use Storage Query interface to fetch the targer JSON Object by applying differnt conditions on it just like SQL where clause.

answered May 5, 2014 by ajay123 (899 points)
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