Data Update Frequency in App42

+2 votes


I am using Buddy Management service and it works ok. My question is about data updating frequency. 

I will update user info when a user opened the app. But while user is using the app, how can I know if the data is updated? (For example; if an user has a new message, has a new friend request or its friend request is accepted etc.)

Is there a service I can add an event listener? Or maybe, if I can use appwarp for this, join all users in one room/lobby and update their data with setCustomUserData, does appwarp helps for that? 

Thanks for any suggestions,

asked May 18, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by Tufan (64 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Tufan,

Yes you can do it by appwarp by joining all users in one room/lobby. But if i can talk about send messages api mechanism there is some diffrence between appwarp and app42. AppWarp is basically send a real time message so that if you send a message to friend and his network connectivity has lossed & in that scenrio the message is not going to recieve and there is no history of that message.

I can suggest about App42 because using app42 you can send messages to your friend or group and update the user data as well. You can make that thing realtime by sending a pushnotification. So that your chat & your data updation is connected with friend when ever you send a message or update the user data.
answered May 19, 2014 by hs00105 (517 points)
selected Jun 8, 2014 by Tufan
Hi, hs00105 :

    But if the user have closed the push notification, and the user can't receive any push notification. So, I think sending push notification is not the best way to slove the real-time.

    Is there any other way to send a message or update the user data real-time??

You can save your custom data or messages in json format using no-sql storage service and update the user screen according to push to make this realtime.

Like, i already said you can make this realtime by sending push notification.
Thank you for your reply,
I mean close push notification at iphone-> Notification Center - > my app-> close all.
After I close push notification, when I invoke sendPushMessageToUser , the user can read message from no-sql, but user can't get the message real-time. Because the push notification not work. thank you. Now I can't go on our work because of this. Please help me.
I mean close push notification at iphone-> Notification Center - > my app-> close all.

After I close push notification, when I invoke sendPushMessageToUser , the user can read message from no-sql, but user can't get the message real-time. Because the push notification not work. thank you. Now I can't go on our work because of this. Please help me.
Push notification is phone based when you close the notification from phone device is not going to receive push message.
In that case, you can refresh your app page after certain time of period.So that user can check the messages and updates.
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