Locking a property without setting one

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My question is simple. Can I lock a property of a room without setting a value for it at the same call?

I am using a property that keeps a count of players that are done loading relevant data on that game. Since one cannot guarantee the delay between getting room info and setting properties the following problem is possible:

player 1 gets the value of ReadyToStart (int)

player 2 gets value of ReadyToStart

Player 2 updates ReadyToStart to 1

player 1 updates readyToStart to 1

Both players are waiting fo the other to update

I know I could just make a separate value for each player, but since I am using the same code to manage different games this is not feasable.
asked Jul 18, 2014 in AppWarpS2 by kari (10 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

"I know I could just make a separate value for each player, but since I am using the same code to manage different games this is not feasable."

I am not sure why this is a problem. Each player can lock a property with key as its username and value "true". Since usernames are unique across CCUs and your client app will anyway know what the local username is, this should a viable approach.

Player A locks {A:true}

Player B locks {B:true}

Whenever a property is locked a notification is sent to all the users in the room with the property and lock table. When you get this notification and if the lock table has 2 entries - then you can safely assume that both you and other player are ready to start.


answered Jul 20, 2014 by dhruvc (1,099 points)
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