Billing connected to messages is unclear

0 votes
I am having a small issue where I try to understand better how AppWarp communication relates to billing.

As far as I understand, the amount of messages, not the amount of bytes transferred, is the base for billing. Is this correct?

Sending one message containing 1 byte payload would cost the same as sending one message containing 1kB payload. Is this correct?

Sending a sendUpdatePeers message to a room with three occupants, including myself, would require something like: 1 message sent from me, 3 messages sent out to the room occupants including myself => 4 messages. Is this correct?

Are messages used up when doing AppWarp specific things like connecting to the service, getting a list of rooms available, connecting to a room and so on? How do I know how many messages are spent on every call like that?

Is there any built-in way of keeping exact tabs of how many messages different actions use up?
asked Jul 24, 2014 in AppWarp by kim.lillas (16 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Yes, AppWarp takes messages (not the amount of bytes transferred) into consideration for billing.

Yes, Message containing 1 byte payload would cost the same as message with 1KB payload

In case of sending a sendUpdatePeers message to a room with three occupants, count of messages would be 5(as explained below).

-          1 sent message (requested by the sender in sendUpdatePeers call )

-          1 response message (sent by server i.e. onSendUpdateDone callback on UpdateRequestListener)

-          3 notification messages (if response is success, each room subscriber will get one)

Yes messages are counted when doing AppWarp specific things like connecting to the service, getting a list of rooms available, connecting to a room etc. Essentially everything which is a request to the server to do an operation and its corresponding response. Each call of such type will be counted as 2 messages. One is request by the client and another is response to that request by the server.

Please let me know if you have any more queries.
answered Jul 25, 2014 by dhruvc (1,099 points)
selected Jul 25, 2014 by kim.lillas
Thanks for the answer. This gives me much needed insight.
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