I am having a small issue where I try to understand better how AppWarp communication relates to billing.
As far as I understand, the amount of messages, not the amount of bytes transferred, is the base for billing. Is this correct?
Sending one message containing 1 byte payload would cost the same as sending one message containing 1kB payload. Is this correct?
Sending a sendUpdatePeers message to a room with three occupants, including myself, would require something like: 1 message sent from me, 3 messages sent out to the room occupants including myself => 4 messages. Is this correct?
Are messages used up when doing AppWarp specific things like connecting to the service, getting a list of rooms available, connecting to a room and so on? How do I know how many messages are spent on every call like that?
Is there any built-in way of keeping exact tabs of how many messages different actions use up?